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Bentyfield Low Level, Bentyfield Mines, Garrigill, Cumbria.

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The Bentyfield Mines consist of a number of levels that worked the Bentyfield, Bentyfield Sun Veins and the Browngill, Browngill Sun Veins as well as some smaller ones. It is worth noting that the Bentyfield Vein in this area is the same as the Gudhamgill Vein in Nenthead.

Bentyfield Low Level was driven in the shale under the Tuft and is a straight drive of 290m to the Bentyfield Sun Vein where it bears north east towards the Bentyfield Level workings. From the Sun Vein it extends another 230m to the Thortergill Syke North Vein.

Bentyfield Low Level

Our first look into this level which has had a portal face lift in the last few years.

(Karli and Mike), 26th July 2014.