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Surface Practice

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Going underground is all very well, but when you are testing new techniques out or refreshing your skills then doing it in a safer and more pleasant environment is very important. Surface practice in daylight is a very good way to get to grips with techniques.

It's better to get it wrong on the surface than underground. We practice our SRT and various techniques on the surface all the time at old quarries, off bridges, from natural cliff faces and indoors.

It's good fun and makes you realise what multitude of sins the darkness of mines cover up - it's different standing on the edge of a 75m cliff when you can see the bottom. Click on each link below for full details and pictures.

13 Arches Viaduct, Clifton.

(Karl and Mike), Summer 2003.

Equipment Building.

Updated 25/04/06.

Wilton Quarry No3, Belmont.

(Karl and Mike), August 2003.

Winch Testing.

Testing the electric portable winch.

(Ambrose, Charlie, Karli, Mark and Mike), 5th and 7th May 2006.

Wilton Quarry No1, Belmont.

(Charlie and Mike), 2nd August 2004.

COMRU Surface Practice, Glenridding.

Aborted Greenside Mine through trip turned into a surface practice.

(Aubrey, Colin, Karli, Mark, Paul, and Paul), 20th September 2009.

Malham Cove, Yorkshire.

(Charlie, Karl, Mike and Pete), February 2004.