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  sc_xvein_subsublevel_filledcorner2.jpg - This is the beginning of a parallel passage that follows the first passage in the second sublevel. Along here is the entrance to the flats. In fact you just may be able to see a filled in passage way which indicated that the flats must have gone on in its direction, surely enough when Karli climbed up onto the deads he was able to follow the flats roof line for some 20m.  

This is the beginning of a parallel passage that follows the first passage in the second sublevel. Along here is the entrance to the flats. In fact you just may be able to see a filled in passage way which indicated that the flats must have gone on in its direction, surely enough when Karli climbed up onto the deads he was able to follow the flats roof line for some 20m.
Total images: 17 | Last update: 08/07/11 07:48 | Help