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Through Trips, Nenthead, Cumbria.

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With most of the mines in the Nent Valley it is possible to link into other mines - in one and out the other or even through more than one. It is possible to do Smallcleugh to Rampgill, Caplecleugh to Smallcleugh, Rampgill to Brownley Hill, Brownley Hill to Nentsberry Hagg's or all of them in one hit. Add to this the option of dropping down surface shafts to come out of a number of different adits, the possibilities for sporting trips are numerous.

Smallcleugh to Rampgill via Proud's Sump

Our first through trip via the Hangingshaw Branch of Rampgill.

(Charlie, Karli, Mark and Mike), 13th November 2004.

Capelcleugh to Smallcleugh via Double Rise

An exploration turned into a through trip.

(Karli, Mark and Mike), 22nd January 2005.

Rampgill to Brownley Hill

Lots of mine gas and very cold water.

(Karli and Mike), 17th June 2005.

Smallcleugh to Rampgill via J. Irwin's Crosscut

Shale, hanging death and collapses, what fun.

(Karli and Mike), 11th September 2005.

Smallcleugh to Carr's Level

A way into Carr's Level past the Proud's Sump wall is found, but no exit.

(Karli and Mike), 20th November 2005.

Surface Shaft to Smallcleugh Portal

A new easy route to the backend of Smallcleugh and only doing George Hethering's once, bliss.

(Alistair and Mike), 25th August 2006.

Frog Shaft to Smallcleugh Portal

Following the foot steps of CATMHS along this multi level through trip.

(Karli, Mike and Pete), 6th October 2007.

The Greater Nenthead Traverse

Finally the classic is open again, entering Caplecleugh and exiting over 9km away via Nentsberry Hagg's.

(Karli, Ian, Mike, Pete, Dog Pete and Student Pete), 24th May 2009.

Smallcleugh to Rampgill via Hydraulic Shaft Through Trip

We've been to the bottom, but never out via this route, so it was high time to do so and also to investigate the level south of the Hydraulic Shaft.

(Glasses, Karli, Lyndon, Mike, Pete, and Sally), 26th June 2010.

Rampgill Firestone to Rampgill Horse Level

Continuing our exploration from the Little Limestone Workings we ended up finding the connection bewtween these two mines.

(Ian, Karli, Mike, Pete, and Sal), 15th October 2011.

Surface Shaft to Smallcleugh Portal

A trip covering old ground with a detour to look at the Caplecleugh Flats on the Caplecleugh Vein.

(Karli, Mike and Pete), 3rd October 2015.

Smallcleugh to Rampgill via Proud's Sump

A little trip to flex the old SRT muscles and then visit to the south end of the Rampgill Cross Vein.

(Karli and Mike), 30th October 2016.

Perry's Dam Shaft Bolting and Through Trip

A trip to show Julian and Phil the back end of Smallcleugh via a surface shaft and with the extra bodies - rerigging and bolting the 2nd pitch from the surface.

(Julian, Karli, Mike, Pete and Phil), 1st April 2017.

Smallcleugh to Rampgill via Proud's Sump with the Youngens

After a number of walk in trips, I felt it was needed to up the ante a bit with some rope work and give the youngens a run for their money.

(Gavin, Hannah, Karli, Mike Rebeca and Rosie), 26th July 2018.

Smallcleugh to Rampgill via Proud's Sump and Hanginshaw Flats Explore

Classic Nenthead through trip with a view to exploring some of the Hangingshaw Branch Level Flats.

(Karli and Mike), 2nd April 2022.

Brownley Hill to Nentsberry Haggs via Compressor House and Admiralty Flats

We've done this on the Nenthead Traverse but never in it's own right. Add some extras along the way and it's a great trip.

(Karli and Mike), 11th June 2022.