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Middlecleugh North Vein, Smallcleugh Mine (17/03/18)

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After the visit in December, we wanted to come back with our SRT gear and have a look down one of the sumps we came across last time and to show Pete around. Once underground we headed straight for the Middlecleugh North Vein. When we got there, we showed Pete around and then rigged one of the sumps we had seen last time - the one with the shiny wooden platform. For something so simple it ended up being a right faff on. Anyway, finally we got down it and discovered that the level we thought existed at the platform last time was non-existent and that a few metres below the platform it bottomed out on a sublevel. This was the sublevel that we found by going down into the stope last time past the ventilation door. The sublevel also continued along the other way and was partially flooded. A little bit away from the bottom of the sump we had just come down there was another sump that seemed to connect with a stope, however there was no way to get down it on the ropes due to rub points. A lot of effort for not much insight. Ah well, sometimes it goes this way. Karli and Pete ended up doing some water management, which ended up in lowering the water level in the sub level. After this, Pete had a look in to it, to report back that there was a fall. We all came back up the sump to the horse level and made our way back out. Not an eventful trip.